Looking for a job or looking to hire someone?
PERC and the City of St. Petersburg has worked together with community leaders over the past year to forge a first-of-a-kind link between the South St Petersburg Community Redevelopment Area with a focus on continued strides in commercial, business & economic development that has culminated with the Workforce Development Council & Collaborative for South St. Petersburg and the St Pete Works CRA programs.
This is a partnership between many organizations, including but not limited to PERC, the City of St. Petersburg, the Pinellas County Urban League (PCUL), the 2020 Plan, Pinellas Technical College, St. Petersburg College, Mt. Zion Human Services, and the Pinellas Opportunity Council. Below is the Employment Link Platform developed for this initiative by the 2020 Plan, PERC and PCUL. If you need a job, or are an employer who is looking for employees, click below.
The St. Pete Works Employment Link Platform