Please find the information for Made Free Outreach Ministries. We look forward to assisting ex-felons and recovering addicts return to a state of self-worth and positive societal standing within our communities.
Rev. Edward V. March 727.709.5884 [email protected]
God Bless!
New Faith Free Methodist Church, 2427 Irving Avenue S.
St. Pete, Fl 33712
Rev. Curtiss L. Long, pastor Rev. Edward V. March, Director or contact [email protected] ‘
“12 step” Christian Recovery Support Group
Meets every Saturday from 7:30pm to 9:00pm.
Anyone with a difficult or seemingly overwhelming life struggle is encouraged to attend !
Made Free Outreach Ministries developed from a desire by the founder to meet the spiritual needs of people suffering from addictions, anger, loss, life struggles, and helplessness.
Initially, it was designed to circumvent the negative, anti-Christian perspective that secular 12-step and other similar recovery groups frequently offer and encourage.
“Made Free” had its first ‘kick-off’ seminar on March 3rd, 2007, and the response was positive and valued. The following Saturday group meeting was well received and gave validity to the founders’ belief that “this type of ministry was desperately needed in the community at large”.
“Made Free Outreach Ministries” meet every Saturday evening to offer encouragement, support, and information designed to confront, challenge, and change ones’ perspective into one of hope and possibility.
“Made Free Outreach Ministries” is focused on helping the hurting through the Word of God, the application of Gods’ Word,and through the on-going support of fellow believers.
“Made Free Outreach Ministries” applies various strategies that compliment Biblical Principles.
The ‘process’ is Biblical in its approach, Personal in its application, and Accessible to all.
No matter the struggle, the addiction, the anger, the loss, the fear, or the hurt…one can overcome hopelessness, relieve their pain, change their behavior, adjust their perspective and find peace in their life. Through it all, one can be ‘Made Free!”
‘Mending your broken Spirit, as you are being ‘Made Free!’
Our purpose will be singular in its intent, while dual in its approach.
Singular in its intent to bring those who are in emotional turmoil to a state of emotional well-being, so that they will be able to become productive within their family, their workplace, and within society.
Dual in approach as we are targeting:
1) those with Substance Abuse histories and/or Legal Issues that have been preventing, or may have the potential of preventing them from being productive,
2) those of the Clergy (ministerial staff) who have become discouraged, distracted, or distraught due to circumstances connected to, or concerning their ability to fulfill their ministerial obligations. We resolve to provide those within the aforementioned groups, the assistance necessary for them to overcome their struggles in order for them to return to a place within themselves where self-worth and a sense of peace reside.
Support Groups:
A mixture of Christian Biblical Principles, The Twelve Steps of recovery, R.E.T. (rational emotive therapy), and personal experiences will combine so that the participants can have the opportunity to address and resolve their issues spiritually, emotionally and mentally.
Seminars / Conferences / Retreats:
To enable participants to Experience and Process issues within themselves that has lingered through years of denial and/or as defense mechanisms.
The utilization of a didactic group setting, life skills processing exercises, guest speakers from various fields of experience, workshops, and the application of biblical principles, culminate in the participants gaining a fresh and challenging perspective of who they are and what alternatives are available in order to inspire and create change within them.
Community Liaison Office:
We also offer a central location to obtain employment, counseling, temporary housing, food, and clothing.
Community Outreach:
Will travel within the local, neighboring communities and conduct mini-seminars to introduce the “Made Free” concept