Homeless empowerment project where our Clearwater stars classes are being taught!
The S.T.A.R.S (S.uccess T.raining A.nd R.etention S.ervices) program is a 20- day workplace simulator designed to support clients with the necessary skills to secure and retain necessary employment. All of the provided programs are designed to help clients at their point of entry and lead them through job training, case management, and other related services.
The goal is to achieve economic stability through living wage employment. STARS has three phases:
1) attitudinal training, including problem solving, critical thinking, self-awareness and interpersonal skills;
2) professional skills, including communication, decision-making, workplace ethics and professional etiquette; and
3) work readiness, including career planning, labor market information, resume writing, and interview skills. STAR’s emphasis on job readiness is based off a national model, and has been proven to increase participants’ job placement and retention rates.